Domain names are incredibly powerful assets to own in both the real world and the digital world. Have a think about all the companies, shops and organisations that you love personally. No doubt, they will all have a domain name – and a good one at that!
You can think of a domain name much like an address or property in the real world, a domain name points to your digital location on the internet.
Domain names are often used to direct people to a website. Such as, or indeed The benefits of this are self-explanatory, driving traffic to their website. This is certainly a very powerful use case for a domain name. However, there’s much more to it. You could use your domain name to point to pretty much anything on the internet. A Facebook page or group where you sell your products or services would be a good shout. A forum where you discuss the things that matter to you. A blog where you document your life or sell your products and ideas. There’s a never ending world of ideas out there for your domain name.
Thats the practical benefits of a domain name, but you also have to think about brand. Having a single name you can give to people where they can access everything you publish is extremely powerful. As well as having an email address at your domain name, giving the end user the knowledge they are dealing with a professional person or business.
At bitjoy we only acquire domains that we would want to use if we were in that particular line of work. We hope you see the benefits and improve your business or passion with any domain you find through us in the future.